Come to Jesus

Every single person, including you, needs Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Rich or poor, old or young, healthy or sick, it doesn’t matter because all people have sinned against God. When it comes to sin, there is only one remedy and that is Jesus.

“He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” 1 John 2:2

The solution to the sin problem is Jesus. Because He took our sin penalty on the cross and rose from the dead on the third day, we can be reconciled to God through Him. Through Jesus we can receive forgiveness for our sins, and we all need that. Through Jesus there is also freedom from the power of sin that tempts and binds.

Of course, you will still be tempted to sin even when Jesus lives in your heart, but together with Jesus it is possible not to fall for the temptations.

Being a Christian is not about living a boring life but about living an exciting life. But sin is not an option for a Christian. Sin is destructive and destroys both for the one who commits the sin and for others and it is a rebellion against God. Sin is like poison and death but covered with a thin layer of sugar, because otherwise no one would want anything to do with it.

“Come to Me, …” Matthew 11:28

Jesus does not chase people nor does He force, but He calls. Jesus is calling you today. He doesn’t want to hit you in the head or scold you, but He wants to forgive, heal and set you free. He wants to give you a new direction in life. He wants to walk with you and be with you in every area of ​​your life. Come to Jesus now and let Him be your personal Lord and Savior.

Tell Jesus that you want to leave sin and start following Him. Ask Jesus to forgive you and reconcile to God. When you do that, Jesus moves into your heart.

“For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord (Jesus) shall be saved.”” Romans 10:13

Then continue daily to read the Bible and pray to God in the name of Jesus.

God bless you.